

Producteur : Damien Curot

Né le 23/10/11

Cotation 4

Breveté échelon 3

Lauréat Standard Performance

Indemnes dysplasies des hanches et des coudes

Biss Rec Ch (A) Walnut Ridge Night Signal On The Laouen-Ki Lake

 Ch Taolan Sno Klassic Mad About U Ch Chukchi Savage Chincoteague Ch Kiskayo's Best
Ch Chuckchi's Susquehanna Starr

Ch Taolan Sno Klassic Quillette

Ch Kiwaliks Taolan Quilleute
Ch Taolan Sno Klassic Sassafras
 Ch Kamelot's American Beauty Ch Prairie Snow's Lieutenant Dan Ch Nanuke's Revolutionary
Ch Black Ice's Autumn Splendor
Ch Myatuk Kamelot Malibu Barbie Ch Nanukes Take no Prisoners
Ch Yupik's Molotov Cocktail

Ch Bright Northern Star's Discovery (A)

Rec A Gift For Stormy Monday Of Selawik River (A) Ch Atanik's Kuskokwim Incognito (A)  CH Sno Klassic Above The Rim
CH Atanik's Goldrush Livin On The Edge
Ch Kamelot Just a Celtic Dream (A) Ch Prairie Snow's Lieuteannt Dan
Ch Myatuk Kamelot Malibu Barbie
Ch Bright Northern Star's Vintuka (A) Rec Bright Northern Star's Taro (A) Ch Cold Valley's Silent Wolf (A)
Ch Asqinouk's Zora Bright (A)
 Ch Silver Lady Du Souffle D'Autan (A)  Ch Sakunik Del Biagio (A)
Ch In Mémory (A